Quality management methodology that focuses on improving efficiency

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ISO (International Organization for Standardization)

Is an international entity that develops standards for various aspects of quality, safety and efficiency in organizations. Quality-related ISO standards, such as ISO 9001, establish guidelines for quality management in companies. These standards focus on continuous improvement, customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. By following ISO standards, organizations can establish strong quality management systems that help them deliver consistent, high-quality products and services, as well as meet customer expectations and applicable regulations. Furthermore, ISO 9001 certification is internationally recognized and can improve an organization's reputation and competitiveness in the global market.

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5S is a set of principles of organization and order in the workplace, widely used to improve efficiency
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Each "S" represents a stage in this process: 1. **Seiri (Classification):** It involves separating the essential from the non-essential in the work area, eliminating unnecessary items and organizing the essential items efficiently. 2. **Seiton (Order):** It consists of assigning a specific place for each essential item and labeling them clearly, so that it is easy to find and access what is needed. 3. **Seiso (Cleaning):** Requires keeping the workplace clean and free of clutter, not only superficially, but also by carrying out regular cleaning and eliminating the root cause of the dirt or mess. 4. **Seiketsu (Standardization):** It involves establishing standards and procedures to maintain the first three "S" (Classification, Order and Cleanliness) consistently over time. It is about creating an orderly and clean work culture. 5. **Shitsuke (Discipline):** Reinforces the importance of maintaining discipline in the application of 5S. This means following established norms and standards, and promoting a mindset of continuous improvement throughout the organization. 5S is an effective tool for increasing efficiency, reducing waste and improving quality in a variety of work environments, from manufacturing to services and administration.

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Total Customer Satisfaction (TCS)

Is a business approach that seeks not only to meet customer needs and expectations, but to exceed them to create exceptional experiences. In summary: 1. **Total Satisfaction:** It goes beyond basic customer satisfaction. It seeks to understand and serve not only what the client wants, but also what they need and value. 2. **Customer Experience:** Focuses on creating positive and memorable experiences for customers in all interactions with the company, from purchase to after-sales service. 3. **Exceeding Expectations:** Involves surprising customers by providing additional value that they did not expect, which can generate loyalty and positive recommendations. 4. **Customer Focus:** TCS places the customer at the center of all business decisions and actions, ensuring that every aspect of the business is aligned with customer satisfaction. In short, Total Customer Satisfaction is a strategic approach that pursues not only satisfaction, but customer happiness and loyalty by providing exceptional experiences that go beyond expectations.

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3rd Rule!

It sounds like you want a summary of the "3R" rule: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, which are important principles for environmental sustainability. 1. Reduce: It consists of minimizing the amount of products and resources we consume. This is achieved by purchasing consciously, avoiding waste and reducing energy and water consumption. 2. Reuse: It involves giving a second life to products or materials whenever possible instead of throwing them away. Examples include repairing objects, buying second-hand products, or refilling containers instead of throwing them away. 3. Recycle: It means processing used materials to turn them into new products. This helps reduce the need for. ​

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